Neurosurgical Issues in Otolaryngology: Principles and Practice of Collaboration
Neurosurgical Issues in Otolaryngology: Principles and Practice of Collaboration PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A detailed review of practical concerns in surgical procedures involving collaboration between otolaryngologists and neurosurgeons. The book offers guidance in anticipating and managing the problems encountered in collaborative surgery, including neurotology, skull base surgery, combined management of aggressive head and neck problems, trauma, rhinological exposure of pituitary neoplasms, and exposure of cervical spine pathology. The first section focuses on principles and procedures applicable to all combined surgeries. Chapters cover: cerebrospinal fluid; neurosurgical anatomy; use of steroids; prevention and management of seizures; brain shrinkage and oedema; operative positions; instrumentation; monitoring; invasive angiography; and postoperative complications. The second section presents problem-oriented reviews of each category of collaborative surgery. The problem-oriented chapters follow a standardized format which includes historical management, advantages of team surgery, an overview of surgical technique, potential pitfalls, and management of complications.From reader reviews:
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