Home Health Aide On-the-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 6, Issue 5: The Home Environment by Beacon Health
Home Health Aide On-the-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 6, Issue 5: The Home Environment by Beacon Health PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This lesson on The Home Environment includes a complete training packet. Each in-service packet takes approximately one hour to complete and fully meets the Medicare in-service training requirements. As aides need training, you can make as many copies as you want - there s no restriction when used with aides assigned from your office location. Remember that Home Health Aides must have 12 hours of in-service training every year. LESSON OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this program, the home health aide will be able to: Describe three methods for improving safety in the kitchen Explain three ways to make a home safe for patients, and State three things that attract burglars. OVERVIEW Home health aides care for patients with many different diseases and needs. However, one thing applies to all patients: the need for a safe and effective home environment that allows for proper recovery. While the nurse or physical therapist may conduct a home safety assessment for patients, it is often the home health aide who must observe and report changes in the environment that could affect patient safety. In addition, aides are often responsible for preparing meals for patients. Given that many home fires start in the kitchen while cooking, it is important that aides know the basics of fire prevention. This in-service reviews the home environment and ways to keep it safe for patients. It specifically outlines ways to prevent fires, falls, carbon monoxide poisoning, and burglaries. Finally, this in-service covers methods to improve home safety for visually impaired patients.From reader reviews:
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