Dream Haiku: Poems from Nights and Naps by Jon Petruschke
Dream Haiku: Poems from Nights and Naps by Jon Petruschke PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Dream Haiku: Poems from Nights and Naps is a selection of the author’s honest, odd, and irreverent verse. Culled from the journeys that sleep gifts us, these poems are a range of otherworldly moments. Some impossibly surreal. Others comfortingly familiar. And many of them somewhere, somehow, true -- in our whimsies, our ideals, our desires. The haiku form, and its moments of contemplation and surprise, are a perfect fit for the dream world’s startling images, pieces of conversation, and emotional residues. These are the experiences we so often forget and dismiss. Yet every night, we return to them.From reader reviews:
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