Sabtu, 06 Desember 2014

PDF⋙ Mobility in Context: Principles of Patient Care Skills by Charity Johansson PT PhD GCS, Susan Chinworth PT PhD

Mobility in Context: Principles of Patient Care Skills by Charity Johansson PT PhD GCS, Susan Chinworth PT PhD

Mobility in Context: Principles of Patient Care Skills

Mobility in Context: Principles of Patient Care Skills by Charity Johansson PT PhD GCS, Susan Chinworth PT PhD PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Rely on this state-of-the-art, multimedia resource to help you meet the expectations for today and tomorrow’s health care providers. Review essential patient care skills—from positioning and vital signs to transfers and ambulation with assistive devices. Then learn how to transition to the “out-of-the-box” thinking you need to quickly and effectively respond to the myriad of unusual and unplanned circumstances encountered daily among patients.

Step-by-step guidance walks you through biomechanical and neurological principles, collaborative patient/client goals and therapeutic alliance, overall rehabilitation efforts, and the changing reality of health care that demands higher levels of critical thinking and problem solving in a wider variety of situations.

A wealth of full-color illustrations, icons, and tips break down complex topics into “bite-sized,” more manageable pieces.

Turn to the COMPANION DVD for extra practice—44 video clips feature clinicians performing the techniques described in the text.

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Read Mobility in Context: Principles of Patient Care Skills by Charity Johansson PT PhD GCS, Susan Chinworth PT PhD for online ebook

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Mobility in Context: Principles of Patient Care Skills by Charity Johansson PT PhD GCS, Susan Chinworth PT PhD Mobipocket
Mobility in Context: Principles of Patient Care Skills by Charity Johansson PT PhD GCS, Susan Chinworth PT PhD EPub

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